Universities & Colleges

Abidjan boasts of a number of universities and colleges and they provide a varied range of options. From management schools, technology or humanities subjects, the whole spectrum of higher education is available in Abidjan.

Higher Education (Enseignement Supérieur in French)

Universities offer:

“Deug” or “Duel” at the end of the second year, “Licence” at the end of the third year and “Maîtrise” at the end of the fourth year.

  • Côte d’Ivoire has 3 public universities: University of CocodyUniversity of Abobo-Adjamé (both in Abidjan) and University of Bouaké in central Côte d’Ivoire.
  • There are 2 public university colleges: the University center of Daloa (central-west), and the University Center of Korhogo (north).
  • The country has also 4 public Higher Education Institutes:

1/ Institut National Polytechnique in Yamoussoukro: which is a regrouping of formerly autonomous polytechnic colleges, teaching mainly science and technology, engineering, computer science, business management, and marketing and agricultural science.

2/ Ecole Normale Supérieure: an Advanced Teacher Training College in Abidjan.

3/ Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et Economie Appliquée ( National Advanced College of Statistics and Applied Economics) in Abidjan.

4/ Institut Pédagogique National d’Enseignement Technique et Professionnel ( National Pedagogical Institute of Technical and Professional Education) located in Abidjan.

Many private Higher Education Colleges and Universities have been created after 1992.

Please see our list below with contact details of some of those institutions:

Abidjan Ecole de Management (AEM)

Marketing-Management, Accounting, Control and Audit, Business Administration, Management Assistantship, Human Resources and Communication, Commercial Management, Finance Accounting and Management.

Address: Cocody Deux Plateaux les Vallons, Avenue des jardins, carrefour Nuit de Saïgon

Tel: +225 22 41 77 15

Website: www.gea-ci.com

Académie de Gestion et d'Hôtellerie

The school offers diploma and bachelor’s degree in Tourism Economics, Tourism Law and Legislation, Tourism and Tourism Geography, Tourism and Trade Negotiation, Ticketing, Reception and Visit, Food Hygiene, Stories of Civilizations and History of Art, Study of tourism project and Hotel, Food and Cooking.

Address: Marcory Opposite INJS terminus SOTRA

Tel: +225 21 26 32 26 / +225 21 26 65 22 / +225 07 30 16 83

Email: agh02@yahoo.fr

Website: www.agh.ci

Académie FICOGES

BTS Gestion Commerciale, BTS Ressources Humaines et Communication, BTS Informatique, Développeur d’Application, BTS Finance Comptabilité et Gestion des Entreprises

Address: Cocody Deux Plateaux 7ème Tranche

Tel: +225 22 52 58 66 / +225 22 52 58 69

Email: academieficoges@yahoo.fr

Agitel Formation

The University offers Diploma, Bachelor’s and Master’s in Communication, Human Resources, Management, International Trade, Commercial Management, Accounting, Advertising, Business Administration, and Finance

Address: Cocody Riviéra Palmeraie

Tel: +225 22 47 83 03 / +225 22 47 92 12

Email: infos@agitelformation.com

Website: www.agitelformation.com

Atlantique International Business School

A business school offering Bachelor’s and Master’s, a language development center offering French, English & Chinese,a competency development center offering Continuing Education, Assistance & Counseling.

Address: Cocody Danga – Near Angola Embassy

Tel: +225 22 44 50 49+225 42 27 27 20

Email: info@atlantique-ibs.net

Facebook: Atlantique International Business School

Website: www.atlantique-ibs.net

Centre Academique Hotellerie et Restauration

Performance management in hotels, developing the turnover of your restaurant, Telephone reception, Hygiene and food science, Organization, supply and inventory management,Production, sales and catering

Address:  Riviera 3, not far from Pharmacie les Rosiers

Tel: +225 07 33 13 30 / +225 09 97 37 60

Email: info@cahresto.com

Website: www.cahresto.com

    • Date: Saturday, 4 July, 2020 - 10:00 Description: Time: 09:00 Price : 12 000 FCFA / 10 000 FCFA member Venue: Grand Bassam Infoline: +225 05 91...
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